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He Said/She said

The Story of Zero

By Master Ed

"I'm submissive, but I'm not a doormat. And I'm starting to feel footprints all over my back."

I've heard that at different times from three wonderful, beautifully submissive women, about three different Masters. All of the women are first-class human beings who've wanted only to be able to live as much of their hours as possible in that special headspace where they could adore their Masters and feel owned. With all that means, finding a part of their fulfillment in serving and suffering for another's pleasure.

So what happened to curdle the minds and hearts of these exemplary women, so envied by other submissive women who could see the serenity in their eyes, the grace of their composure, and whose Masters were likewise envied for their obvious ability to command such devotion?

Importantly, the Masters in question are not robo-masters or total jerks who demanded service or scene-suffering far beyond the ability of the other person to go on living in this world. Oppositely, all of the Masters are the kind of caring, sharing modern sadists who in vanilla life as well as the Scene are seen as "good catches".

Well, the Masters either had unresolved older relationships which they were unprepared to let go, or were intent on bringing new submissive women into their existing relationships, or merely desired more of their submissives than what was already flowing so naturally and beautifully.

The Masters didn't know, or refused to recognize, their own real-life limitations and the real-life limitations of others. And we're not talking here about expanding limits in scenes.

The Masters thought that if they wanted something strongly enough, they could make it happen without regard to the realities of other people involved.

The Masters tried to take care of others, in fact too many others, before they really knew how to take care of themselves in the situations they created or in which they found themselves, and left everyone, not least themselves, cheated or shortchanged of the best they actually did have to offer.

The Masters undertook to be responsible for the happiness of others (as opposed to merely seeking to contribute to such a state of being in another), as if anyone could actually create and sustain another person's own unique fulfillment.

By focussing on the illusory happiness of others, and their own excessively needy self-indulgence, the Masters in some basic way neglected the care and nurturing of their own souls.

The result of failing to care for their own inner selves was a kind of self-depletion, and the Masters began to feel themselves wanting the same kinds of support that they had initially provided for their submissive partners.

The Masters thus surrendered their power over themselves and any present possibility of being a radiant power-source for anyone else.

This left the submissives in a very weird place, of being called on to be strong, nurturing, confident, secure and powerful, at the same time as they were feeling deprived of the radiant power they were no longer feeling from their Masters.

The submissives were also thus depleted and also felt a kind of guilt, and then resentment, which submissives sometimes feel when they can't deliver what their Masters seem to need. The mirror-image, in fact, of what Masters can feel when they can't be what submissives seem to need.

The Masters closed their eyes to the empty holes in their own souls and in those they loved, and attempted to drive over those holes rather than steer around them or take another road. Thus they blew their tires on the potholes in their paths, injuring themselves and others.

Un-masterly Masters. Un-submissive submissives. More than enough guilt and resentment to go around, some of it very appropriate and much of it, as usual, the wretched products of guilty imaginations formed long ago.

For One plus One plus One, or simply One plus One, to work, each of those Ones must be a positive number. Or the result will be at most, a lonesome One, or a negative, or zero.

Some of us who've never needed to learn S/M/B/D/D/S from an instructional manual have never needed safewords in our scenes. Maybe we need them more in the rest of our lives.

And for those of us who remain addicted to happy endings, we can learn.
Different Loving
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Learning the Ropes
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SM 101
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Screw the Roses
Send Me the Thorns
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The Loving Dominant
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