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He Said/She said

The Doorway

By Sir Saul

Chapter 1

He knew, intuitively, that she would be nervous. They all were, the very first time. Unbeknownst to her, he watched her pace, uneasily, uncomfortably, in the hallway directly outside his home, seeing her fighting the dual urges within herself to both knock on the door and turn and run, each one equally strong within her.

The image was captured in perpetuity, by the security camera trained upon his doorway. He smiled knowingly as he watched her tense then relax, yet again, fighting her innermost desire to plunge right in, her 'sane' side warning her that, once she did, she would have no control over the events that would unfold. Another side of her was equally concerned over whether she would please him, eager to do so, fearing that he might find her undeserving of his attentions.

After but a mere few moments, which felt to her like hours, she pressed forward to enter, knowing full well that she had not come this far only to turn away. With much trepidation, she reached out her hand and tapped lightly upon his door.

He knew what the effect of his waiting would have on her and was in no real hurry to answer her knock. He would let her stew for a few more moments, knowingly adding an additional edge to her tension and nervousness, allowing him to enjoy this wonderful, never to be repeated scene, just a bit longer.

He watched her fight within herself. Knock again, or not. She had no wish to appear too anxious and risk showing him the depths of her need, yet was unable to take this waiting game any longer than it had already gone on. He smiled, knowing his actions were having the desired effect upon her. That without having met her yet, face to face, he was already exerting that element of control, that she had come here seeking, even yearning.

He slowly advanced to the door even as her hand was raised, poised to knock on his door, yet again. As door swung silently open, she was caught off guard, lost in her inner thoughts, reviewing and evaluating each thought and motion, 1000 times, before acting. His first view of her was that of a woman, a bit flustered and bewildered, standing there with her hand raised in mid-knock. Her face flushed red as his eyes met hers, this not being the view she had wished to present to him at first glance. She knew instinctively, at that very moment, that she was his to do with as he pleased. That by this simple act of his, that by her befuddled state which he had forced upon her by his carefully orchestrated actions, she had already ceded control to him and he was more than prepared to exploit her weakness to his advantage.

He followed her closely, with his intense green eyes, as she sheepishly entered into his world, watching as he virtually undressed and inspected her with his eyes, feeling physically, emotionally and spiritually naked under his gaze. She could not see the sly grin that fleetingly crossed his lips, him thinking that he had, once again, chosen well and that this was just the start of an adventure that would play out as one of the more, if not the most, intense experiences in either of their lives.

She crossed the portal into his realm, thinking, feeling, wishing, that all she felt now would only get more intense, that he would be everything that she hoped, that he would take her, own her, cherish her gift and mold her into that person that she knew she might be under the strong hand of her real Master. Ah, yes she had finally said it to herself. She was his to do with as he pleased, she was his vessel, and he was, in fact, her Master, her Guide, her very life force. Master ..... just the thought made her warm inside and wet. She tingled as her mind raced forward to that point where he would not only own her mind but her body as well and she was immediately transformed into someone that she no longer recognized. Master, Master, Master she thought to herself again and again. And the more she said it to herself, the better she felt. And had she been allowed to, she might have even cracked a smile. For this was the end of a journey, a life long search, that she had been on since forever and now, she felt, it was finally over.

Two feet into his life, she had already ceded her soul to him. He, sharp as he was, knew exactly what had transpired, and he was pleased. As he closed the door upon her previous existence, they both knew, without a doubt, that they had each found their soul mate and that the long painful search was now over.

Chapter 2

They spent those first few moments staring into each other's eyes, she unable to turn away from his piercing stare, even had she desired to, which she did not, he just drinking in whatever knowledge and information she was sharing with him, without even knowing it.
v This had started out as a true 21st Century relationship. They had met online, somewhere in cyberspace, those many months past, what seemed like a lifetime ago, which it actually was. They had talked about meeting, many times, over and over, yet the opportunity had not presented itself until just now. She had imagined, time and again, what it would be like when she was actually standing there, gazing intently into those captivating green eyes, and, now, that the moment was at hand, she was awash with emotions and feelings she had never before known existed within her.

At once, she worried over whether he would find her suitable to serve him. She had spent hours fussing with her makeup, her hair, her clothing, wishing to look her absolute best for HIM, not wishing to give the slightest hint of someone, she felt, he would reject out of hand. While he had assured her, many times, that physical appearance was but a small piece of the equation, she had, for months, questioned her ability to keep his interest. How many times had she questioned herself, doubted her ability to be attractive for him, denied her ability to please him, the possibilities of keeping his interest. Now that HE was here, beside her, all these emotions rushed to the forefront.

She half awaited his expected command to leave, afraid that he would dismiss her summarily, out of hand, for some flaw or another that she had been unable to conceal or was yet unaware of. But, strangely enough, that never came. He actually seemed genuinely pleased with her presence there and that took her somewhat by surprise. She had prepared herself for every possible contingency except that one. She just stood there awaiting his next command, one that she was sure to follow no matter what, regardless of what he asked, despite what he demanded.

All this had taken place just inside his doorway. The entire episode lasted, in reality, but a few short moments although to her it seemed like hours, almost forever. Without even realizing what was happening, he gently placed is huge arms around her and drew her into a tight embrace. He took her proffered lips and applied his directly to them and she found herself lost in a kiss that drained everything from her all at once. She felt powerless to resist and willed herself to just give in to the swell of emotions that were overtaking her. Her last conscious thought was that this was to be a very good day, a very, very good day.

He was a meticulous planner, always one step ahead, almost always comfortable in his next move, yet now, even he was just the slightest bit uncertain. There is always that single moment, that one that has the potential to shape all those that come after it, and that specific point in the time-space continuum was now upon them. Akin to a chess game where the next move could decide the eventual outcome of the game at hand, so too would his next actions determine the course and underlying dynamics of their relationship. He regained this momentary loss of his composure and gently ushered in to his home, even as their embrace continued. As they gently moved further into the warmth and security of his domain, he listened to her muttering under her breath, 'He's here, He's finally here.' He could feel the heat emanating from within her, the glow she was emitting under the strength of his embrace. He broke her grasp of him long enough to take her coat from her and hang it in the closet. He took her bag from her hand and laid it at the side of the room as he moved her closer to the warm leather couch in his living room. He sat himself down, even as she stood and started to visually peruse the sight before him. She stood, unmoving, allowing him to drink in the sight of her standing there just as she had rehearsed this moment in her mind time and time again. It all felt so oddly familiar, like they had known each other, forever, and as if there had never been any before him nor would any follow in his steps. She had arrived at the end of that long journey that she had embarked on so long ago, and for now, it was everything she had ever thought it might be, could be, would b like. She looked at him, awaiting his first verbal command to her, allowing her to serve him as she wished to do with her mind, her body and her soul. Yes, it was to be a very good day, a very, very, good day. And she hoped, in her heart of hearts, the first of many more to follow.

To be continued.....